Chapters & Networks

District Networks

CSDA members are connected through six regions or “District Networks” throughout California. Each network is served by three special district leaders elected by CSDA members to the CSDA Board of Directors as well as a CSDA Public Affairs Field Coordinator. They are your local points of contact to help you access CSDA resources.

What Network is Your District In?

The heart of District Networks consists of special district leaders catalyzing action and collaboration in their own communities. District Networks help special districts connect and take action on any issues that concern your district, locally or statewide.


Affiliated Chapters  

CSDA affiliated chapters are local groups of special districts whose officials (staff and board members) desire to collaborate, learn, and network together and with other representatives from state, regional, and local entities on a regular basis.

Connect with CSDA Affiliated Chapters throughout the state! Find a chapter near you.

Affiliate Chapters Map

Northern Network

Sierra Network

Bay Area Network

Central Network

Coastal Network

Southern Network